Sunday, June 28, 2009

The up's and down's

This week has been overall pretty uneventful, and that's a great thing. At the beginning of the week I started getting my appetite back and was so happy, but I felt like I was over eating. Although that wouldn't be a bad thing right now because I have lost a total of 5 lbs since my pregnancy journey started. But the eating was short lived. By Wednesday I was only really hungry in the morning and suffered from food adversions. The feelings came and went all week, but I have been reading my "books" and learning to try and eat healthy while not being interested in a lot of food.
I'm not too worried about the week ahead, although I am calm right now I know come Tuesday and Wednesday I will be panicking and even questioning if I am pregnant, even though I feel it and look it, I'm just get nervous right before Dr appts now. But I know everything will be good. All I know is that right now I am so excited to get this week started. Plus its great that Craig and I both have Friday off so its nice to have a three day holiday weekend with the hubby.

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