Monday, July 19, 2010

Its Been Awhile

Ok so no more excuses. Life has been a little more crazy then I thought it would be, I know some may laugh because having kids, well its something no one can really prepare you for.
I have been wanting to blog so much lately but if you know much about me I am all about schedules, and I have not gotten a set routine. But I have determined that if you want to do something bad enough you will make time, and I have enough of a routine to make time. My goal is to blog once a week minimum. Especially with everything about to go on, and things that have gone on I could probably blog about something daily, but I will spare everyone the bore. Although I am not as good as a lot of people including pictures in nearly every posts, I will have posts though.
I have to say thanks to Megan from  In this wonderful life after following her blog I have really realized how much blogging can recap events you want to remember in your life, and how it can help others just by reading it.
In the past I have had several posts about my journey to children and I hope it has helped someone out there. And with more things to come I just hope if nothing else besides an outlet for me, and an update for friends and family, my story can help someone out there.
More to come!

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