Sunday, August 23, 2009

Big baby step

So this week we found out we were having atleast one boy. We got to see the "prized jewels". The Dr. isn't sure and cannot confirm or deny what the second one is, but he believes its a girl!!!! That is so wonderful to hear. We really didn't have a preference on what we were going to have, just because of the journey we have had to take to get here, but the more we thought about it the more we both knew we didn't want two girls. So as long as we saw want set of "goods" we didn't really care too much what the other was. Of course we care, but we are impartial on our feeling of two boys or one of each. Although I will not lie having one of each will be so nice, because we have always wanted atleast one girl and one boy, so now we don't have to feel rush to try again and go for a girl or go for a boy.
Another great thing was this weekend my family came to visit. It was so nice to have them around, a little exhausting, never thought entertaining even my family would wear me out, but it did. The nice thing was that they helped us paint the, what we used to call the boys room, green for the nursery. Now its officially going to have to be retitled to the nursery. I love the green. The only down fall is that the walls didn't have any paint on them just the builder tinted texture stuff from when it was built so we had to prime. Well most of that was done by Craig before my family came and then we painted the green. The green is so bright and true that it needs two coats. So although we pemiered the paint color yields itself to thin spots, so that is our goal this week. to do little by little of the second/ "touch up" coat.
This week should be an interesting one. Hopefully I will have time to post pictures of the "prized jewels" along with the nursery walls.

On a different note another great thing in the works is Craig getting a VP title at work. Although he wouldn't be the vice president of the branch, but it would distinguish him from a lot of the other bankers. HE is still in the top 200 bankers in the company, so since they wont be able to give him more pay because he is maxed out they can atleast give him more recognition, and they will. That's a very positive thing, and I couldn't be more excited for him.

Welp until next week, which I have to admit I may slack because we head to Indiana Friday night for a week vacation so not a ton of internet access or time, but I will try.

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